Whether you want to start making a significant impact on your own life, inspire your inner circle, or want to grow into a role model for an entire organization, you will have to deal with a lot of complexity.
This where I come in.
Impact starts with simplicity and with Three Simple Questions. Answering them can be overwhelming at times. I will guide you to build your rock-solid foundation and gain ultimate clarity about the direction you or your organization is heading.


Who am I?
Not who I think I need to be
Not what others want me to be
Not who I think I want to be

What are we?
How do we do things here?
Why do we exist?
What is our purpose?

How is the future different because of me/ us?
Leadership is making something happen, that was not going to happen without you doing it!
After I had gone through an intensive and immersive experience and methodology, my mentor read out loud my purpose statement to me for the first time in my life. A day I will always remember.
That was in October 2018. Unbelievable things have happened for me since then.


If you don't give YOUR LIFE direction others certainly will. But you can't have direction in life without purpose. Purpose is the core.
At that time I had been "searching" for the answer to the question - Who am I - for the best part of two decades. I struggled. Because I was doing it all wrong. There was nothing to be found. It was already there. I just needed somebody external to see, what I could not see myself. This experience inspired me to learn this craft of "pinpointing" peoples purpose via the same process I had gone through.
What people say about purpose work with David


Seven years in management consulting serving private equity clients delivering commercial due diligence taught me one big lesson - among others. Leaders of organizations - from world leading SMEs in their market to giant blue ship companies naturally focus on "hard facts" as their entire incentive model is build around numbers. I am a firm believer that focus on people is the superior strategy ... in the end even producing better numbers.
Change and transformation is a non-linear process, often with little invisible progress ... until the tipping point is reached. Most leaders give up BEFORE that point. The torch is not held up long enough.
That is why I stepped out of the management consulting role into facilitating the idea and the actual execution of purpose driven leadership. With crucial support of my business partners we have created the necessary methodologies to find the human problem behind each business problem - the underlying root cause. In 95% of times it is the leadership itself. Again, Change and lasting transformation must have purpose and values at its core. Helping organizations building and implementing these into daily habits is what I do. People deserve outstanding leadership, emotional integrity and leading by example.



Did your parents teach you how to sustainably and repeatedly turn one Dollar into two? Did your school or university education provide you with the necessary fundamentals to become a successful investor - regardless of your career choice?
If YOUR answer is a NO ...
welcome to my world, some years back!
Everyone who strives to reach true freedom and a high level of self determination must in one way or the other build a strong financial foundation.
I know the overwhelm of fears involved in leaving the corporate environment and what it takes to jump into an entrepreneurial journey and to create a business out of thin air. It's scary. Increasing investment intelligence is paramount to long term financial success.
I started at zero and am still learning everyday.
While I have a diversified portfolio, I have developed my deepest knowledge in the crypto and blockchain space. Investing in the crypto market undoubtedly has the potential to positively change your life - as it did for me. But it also has the potential to financially annihilate you. So it became my personal obligation to help people understand the actual game they are playing and use the admittedly somewhat rediculous rules for their advantage.
What people say about Crypto training with David
In my philosophy, investing and the accumulation of capital is NOT ABOUT MONEY! It is about providing the necessary foundation for our families to live a self determined and abundant life!

My business partners and I share a fundamental drive to EMPOWER PEOPLE - so THEY can increase their personal level of freedom and self determination.
I help to onboard people that are foreign to the universe of blockchain, decentralized finance,
DAO‘s and digital assets.
I strongly believe that control over your store of value should not be in the hands of "trusted" third parties.
Control belongs in your own capable hands and not into the hands of centralized organizations.

I am very honored and humbled to being able to support the Investmentpunk Academy founded by Gerald Hörhan as their lead Crypto-Trainer. Gerald is an iconic authority in the field of real-estate investment, investment coaching & taxation optimization. The Harvard graduate has created the largest business coaching platform in the German speaking region.

Gerald Hörhan