My personality is just as complex as that of everybody else out there. So trying to introduce myself is something that I am not even trying to attempt.
However, my vital function and a skill that I have honed over decades is converting overwhelming complexity into inspiring simplicity.
Three things is all you need to know about me. These three things will make you understand what drives me. What guides me. What matters to me. Let's take it from there.

A skilled portrait painter captures the essence of the human in-front of him and make the person visible for us. A well crafted purpose statement does the same. It describes who somebody is ... not in a picture, but in words. This is WHO I AM.
.. is to authentically inspire others to value learning and progressing so that they are open to reinventing who they are while finding joy being true to themselves.
This statement is a daily reminder to be open, inspire myself, and grow. It is a reminder to challenge my status quo, my believes. It is a reminder to be authentic and live joyful.
With the same passion and devotion I am explaining the world to my children, I am explaining complex topics to leadership clients and my crypto community.
When purpose tells us WHO WE ARE, our values guide us through lives. They function as compass in small and big decisions. They draw the red line between what we are willing to tolerate and what not. They make the difference between acting or being passive and everything else! If I had six words to express what is important to me it would be those.


I wrote this statement in 2018. I could not have imagined then, what massive turning point we all soon would experience. My vision is more than I could ever achieve in my lifetime. That is why it will give me direction to the day I will take my last breath.
I envisage a world where everyday people are open, free and fearless in the search of true authentic joy, living a life that is playful and rich in real human connection.
Never in my lifetime have people lived in a state of more fear than today. Never has the vast majority of people been more unfree than today. Never have people become more distant, hostile and suspicious of each other than today.
I guess I have a long road ahead. Everyday in every way we are getting better.

As part of my life philosophy I learned one very important lesson from one of my mentors. He talked about the fundamental fact that we have three currencies to spent in our life. Any life that we desire can be achieved on spending these currencies "correctly". Which ever one you want more of, you can get it by spending the other two currencies.
I suppose you all agree that TIME is the most valuable currency. Keeping these three aspects of life balanced is a life long journey.



Without the fascinating, open hearted and wise people in my life live, I would be nowhere near where I am today. They continuously inspired me, taught me, challenged me, trusted me when nobody else did, saw something in me, that I did not even see my self. I am humbled to working on joint projects and heart topics. A large part of my growth I owe to them! Thank you.

Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Consultant for holistic health & corresponding mental transformation.
My ultimate partner in crime, best friend and mother of my amazing two sons. The backbone of my life!
Timo Geisselbrecht
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Stock market expert & investor coach .
Timo is the reason why I am a crypto trainer today. I am grateful for our cooperation and friendship.
Stefan Pentenrieder
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
My mentor, friend and role model for passionate leadership training. I learn from his kind spirit and over 25 years working with leaders of organizations. Thank you!
Israel Diaz
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
He is one of the brightest minds I know. The level of intellectual and spiritual reflection is unmatched. His holistic concepts for growth and leadership are out of this world.
David Grieve
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
High performance coach & project manager.
He is my brother from another mother. He challenges me and is my role model for long term strategic execution.
Dr. Dominik Köhlen
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Nicole Hoffmann
Professional marketer and former dentist. His story is a manifestation of real life transformation. He is one of the most impactful people on the trajectory of my life.

Even I cannot and never want to put myself into a single box. When you work with me, you have multiple people at the desk. Somebody who has worked with children and youth, international political leaders, as well as board-level members of global corporations. I am a dedicated bridge and trust builder, analytical management consultant, design enthusiast, photographer, brand strategist, event executer, trainer and coach, creative facilitator, problem solver, people enabler through purpose and direction, positive energy dispenser and visionary entrepreneur.
My one-word intention: EMPOWER.
Above all, my most important role is to be a humble father and „world explainer“ to my children - for them to become the kind of leaders this world needs. All of these roles are aspects of my life. And I proudly celebrate each one of them.
If you are looking for THE expert. Well, keep on searching!